Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Congrats to Year End Award Winners

A number of riders have contacted me requesting photo releases for USDF year end awards. I just want to send a shout out to those riders, who are also my customers, that qualified for a USDF year end award. They are:

Julie Schermbeck & Carmel Creme
USDF Silver Medal

Patricia Welborn & Tolkien
Master's Challenge: Third Level

Paulette Ried & Title Page
Master's Challenge: First Level

Brenda Zeitler & Zholani
American Shire Horse Association
High Point First Level & High Point Second Level

If you are one of my clients and I already gave you a release at the time of purchase, please contact me. I am happy to add your information and a copy of your photo here! Congratulations Riders!

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